Ensure your log home keeps its value and withstands the test of time. Preventive maintenance and inspections will save you money by stopping damage caused by weather and critters, thereby eliminating the potential of future costly restorations.

Skookum Log Care offers a regular maintenance & inspection program customized to the specific needs of your home and the climate it is exposed to.

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Skookum Log Care has the expertise to restore your home to it's natural beauty and to craft a customized maintenace schedule to keep it that way. Our services include staining, cob blasting, sanding, stripping, chinking and caulking as well as preventing and reversing rot damage.

Maintaining a log home is different from your average frame house, but done right and maintained regularly, log homes can withstand the test of time.

Tailored Maintenance Programs

Depending on where your home is situated, you may find that the south- and west-exposed sides of your home require more frequent attention than the north and east sides. Making such assesments is all part of our expertise - Skookum Log Care takes a tailored approach to the needs of your home.

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Cost Estimates

Send us some photos along with measurments for the length, width and height of your home as well as the details of the work you require and we'll do our best to provide you with a rough estimate of what the project will cost.

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